Friday, September 23, 2011

When the Bottom Drops Out - Robert Bugh

At some point in our lives, we all experience disappointment. It's just a fact of life. No one is immune.  Often times, we face such horrible moments, that it feels like the bottom totally drops out of our life and we're not only devastated, but left floundering for answers.  Everyone reacts to these times in different ways. 

I was so able to relate to Pastor Robert Bugh's book, as I myself have had the bottom fall out of my life.  I lost my husband, unexpectedly, just days after our daughter was born.  I lost my dad to cancer within 9 weeks of his diagnosis.  And just recently, lost my best friend to melanoma - a deadly skin cancer.  The most devastating loss, was of course, that of my husband...that's when the bottom fell out from my life.  I floundered, questioned, feared, raged...and eventually found amazing grace, love, comfort, and a strong, deep relationship with God.

When the Bottom Drops Out chronicles Robert Bugh’s journey from loss to restoration.  It shows readers how to find and hold tightly to Christ through even the most painful episodes of life. Bugh’s story is proof positive that while pain and disappointment are an unavoidable part of life, God is nonetheless faithful, holding us close at all times and in all circumstances.

I thank Tyndale House Publishers for providing me with a complimentary copy of this book for my honest review..

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