Today I was given a unique opportunity - to review The High Calling's Weekly E-Newsletter. There were links to audio, print and video stories on several different topics.
From the About Us section of the High Calling website: Welcome to, an online magazine and community founded on the belief that God cares about our daily work. On our site, you’ll discover a broad range of articles, interviews, devotionals, and inspirational stories—all specifically created to help you find God in your work, family, and the broader culture. Our writers and bloggers tell engaging stories crafted to encourage you in the high calling of your daily work.
Honoring God in our daily work is much more than mere evangelism. Our work itself should be a testimony to our creator. That is why we encourage each other to remember the high calling of our daily work.
The High Calling is also a safe place to ask difficult questions about work, leadership, culture, family, and faith. Our community of Christ followers shares differing opinions about matters of faith and doubt. We believe in the power of open dialog, and aim to be a safe place to raise difficult issues. We simply ask that each person be respectful of others, rooted and grounded in love.
The issue I chose to read and review was for the week of October 24, 2012.
Some of the interesting stories I checked out were:
By Howard E. Butt, Jr.
By Charity Singleton
By Christine A. Scheller
By Kimberly Coyle
By The High Calling
The last entry, the video entitled "What Have Your Kids Taught You About God" - Scott Wesley was probably the most interesting. Of course, I love the testimonies of others. Here is the copy of the transcript.
TRANSCRIPT: I have three daughters and a son, and I was an estranged father for nine years of their life. I was completely out of the picture. After I got saved and got out of prison and started living right, I began the challenge of rebuilding that communication between me and my kids. My three daughters are all on board with that, and I'm very close to all three of them. And, I have a son that to this day doesn't want anything to do with me and was hurt and damaged by the fact that I was gone out of his life for so many years.
What I've learned is—the last time I tried to talk to my son and he wouldn't have anything to do with me, what came out of mouth was kind of like a Holy Spirit thing that I wasn't intending to say ... and didn't really come from me at all. To me it was what God was trying to teach me at that time. What I told my son as he walked away from me was, "You can't hate me enough to make me stop loving you." When I said that I realized that was a God thing, because I had been an enemy of God for a big portion of my life and God didn't stop loving me.
Overall it was a pretty interesting newsletter. You can find out more information, as well as subscribe, at the High Calling website ( or you can "like" them on Face Book, follow them on Twitter.
I'd like to thank Handlebar Publishing for the opportunity to review this e-newsletter. A positive review was not required.